Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm smart. S-M-R-T!

Tonight I was lucky enough to teach two important things to two important people in my life.

At dinner tonight Em tasted her first popcorn, and discovered Heaven on Earth. In this house we are popcorn addicts. Caramel corn, cheezy corn, kettle corn, smooth buttery popcorn. Bring it on. I've never met a kernel I didn't like. Even the dogs are in on the game.

A little later I got the priviledge of explaining AutoStart to Elise, who had never heard of it. AutoStart is a little sumptin sumptin that helps us Northerners get through Hell on Earth, er, winter.

And then, AND THEN, I managed to teach myself how to do links. I know, this should not be enough to get me all hot and bothered, but it so totally is. I am a geek at heart.


Diana said...

In honor of de-lurking week, thought I'd say "Hello". I just hopped over from Julia's and see you are from the Upper Midwest, as am I. Very nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry it took me so long to see your new design and your new posts! I haven't been on blogs much lately. I have a new post taking shape in my head which I think I'll write tonight.
